Where are jordans sold? Putian shoes = fake shoes? Why are Putian shoes so popular all over the world?  

In the minds of most sneaker fans: Putian shoes = fake shoes, it seems to be the formula of truth.The reason is that batches of fake sneakers, Putian is the dispatch place of shipment.

Many friends place a sneaker order on Taobao or other platforms,they will be upset once confirmed dispatch place was from Putian city,then will checked shoes and compared them through major platforms over. Here, as a person who has been engaged in Putian shoes for six years, we would like to talk something about it. We can prevent fakes, but there is no need to give a conclution “putian shoes must fake”directly. After a visited and research of the Putian factories, there are some opinions about shoe manufacturing. I believe this article can help you change your prejudice against Putian shoes.

  1. Produced by Putian factory, not necessarily fake

Why does Putian make fake shoes( mainly jordans,air maxes,yeezys)?

Because real shoes are also made in Putian.

How were specific fake shoes born? Let’s talk later, let’s talk about some of the OEM brands we have seen now: Adidas, Li Ning, Anta, Peak, 361°,China Jordan etc., many brand products after finished from Putian factory then sent to various regions,so we can not say shoes produced by Putian they are definitely fake. I believe it’s easy to understand that there is no a large-scale factory whose purpose is just for making fakes,after all,the quantity of genuine goods is large, the payment is fast, and the produce line is mature, if they really make money,factories mainly take orders from famous brands, in other words,cooperation with big brands.

In addition to the brands that we are familiar with and have more contact with, the “national brand” Jordan, which may be less optimistic in everyone’s mind,but the revenue amount is also very staggering, if you are interested,you can check it out online, I won’t point it out here.

  1. What is the best time for selling fake shoes?

It is the time before genuine shoes get released and come out.


Many friends may be strange about it: Why official haven’t been released authentic shoes but fake shoes pictures and real objects are already online for sale now?

The reason is simple. Counterfeit makers got the design drafts of related sneakers in advance and made them independently. For example: If Nike tech team has completed the corresponding design of jordan 13 flint, it is in the sample test and modify progress.

The design draft that was nearly completed in the early stage may have come to the hand of a counterfeit shoe maker through a series of trading methods. They based on this design draft,then let the design draft become materialized in advance, next publish the actual shoes pictures on the Internet to attract the attention of potential consumers within an appropriate time. If it is determined that jordan 13 flint will be officially released in two months, the counterfeit maker will introduce fake shoes into the market in advance, so that potential consumers can pay for the new model shoes.This is the most profitable time for selling fake shoes, because there are no genuine shoes in circulation on the market,and Nike’s advance momentum has turned into an advertisement for fake shoe manufacturers.

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After the jordan 13 flint is officially released, the popularity of Fake (high imitation) will decrease accordingly, but still there are many people would like to buy replica shoes because of the high prices of the authentic shoes. Strictly speaking: As long as there is market demand, Fake (high imitation) will not stop.Just the most profitable moment is genuine shoes have not released.

I believe that everyone who reads this content has an exclusive attitude towards fake shoes. After all, stealing other’s design inspiration to make shoes,they can not go to the soul.Just like Tony Damu can never replace with Jay Chou. One is an artist, another one is an idol.

Everyone knows the truth, so there are some questions here: After many years, why is the replica shoes market still so good? Because the public’s demand for rep sneakers has never stopped.
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Many people complain that the male artists nowadays are becoming more and more “sissy”, with heavy makeup and arrogant dances and can’t get the men vigor from them.Then ask everyone: If these male artists have tough muscles, sing cool songs, and dance the most fashionable dances, do you become their fans and pay for their concerts? The answer may be “no”. however, those artists who are with “sissy” characteristics will have fans to lift them to top of the artist list. Also, go to the attractions they have been gone, wear the same outfits they have been weared. Every stage adds corresponding traffic value to the artist.This is why they make up thickly, as majority of people like to spend money on such a face. Simply speaking, as long as fans/audience are willing to pay,the team is willing to dress up an artist what they like.So,is this the team’s fault or the audience’s fault?

The same thing goes for fake shoes. Without such a demand, it is impossible to make fake shoes. As long as there is a little profit and there are people are willing to pay for limitation shoes,then the fake shoes business will not disappear and maybe get better and better. This is an undoubtable fact.On the out side,everyone is berating the inconvenience caused by fake shoes,but behind their words,there are too many people made contributed to the replicasneakers factories. Facing of interests, perhaps people are much willing to choose a good way. The 5% difference,they don’t mind about it or discardness,even if it is not worth mentioning.

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There are always people who want to spend 500$ to enjoy 15,00$‘s treatment,this is the market.

There are always people who think that buying a pair shoes should not pay exceed $300. Grab a pair 1:1 replica shoes, only spend $140-$150,and delivery is free.This is the market.

We do not evaluate the right or wrong of ideas and motivations,but sometimes we can only say something helplessly: Although fake shoes are hateful, they are the popular choice.

Have a question? where can i buy good fake shoes/where to buy yeezy/where can i find jordans/how to contact yeezy supply/where are jordans made/best fake shoes website etc.,welcome to comment and leave messages,article writer will tell you all. Hopefully people found this helpful.

jordanwholesale website: www.luckshoes.ru
skype: shoesspring


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